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  • Weekly AI Recap: LLaMA 3 Is HERE and SMASHES Benchmarks (Open-Source)

Weekly AI Recap: LLaMA 3 Is HERE and SMASHES Benchmarks (Open-Source)

3-Person AI Team Turns Memes into $ with Zero Marketing, AI needs to learn from the real world, but today's models aren't there yet. AI needs to learn from the real world, but today's models aren't there yet. The reality check? They might help in the future, but they won't do it alone. The head of Meta GenAI is excited about the cool stuff happening with Llama-2. Plus, Llama-3 is on the way! There's no standard way to measure AI tools like ChatGPT. Llama-3 is on the way.

Happy Wednesday, everyone! ✌️ 

Welcome to the Homebase's 1st edition - we help you discover the AI unicorns of tomorrow, today along with the hottest trends in AI you need to pounce on ASAP.

Today, we have:

  • Weekly Founder Story

  • 3 burning X's (Tweets)

  • Weekly AI Headline Recap

  • Emerging AI Trend

  • Top 5 AI Companies Launched This Week

  • 5 Highest-Valued Companies - With the Lowest Headcount

Let’s do it, folks.

1 Founder story

From Memes to Millions

How many founders do you know who turned memes into actual revenue?
A tiny 3-person team is turning memes into serious money without spending a dime on marketing. They validated their idea and secured early customers in just 2 weeks, leveraging their combined 50k+ social media following.

They've achieved:

💥  1,500 daily signups
👋 Over 550,000 users worldwide
🤩 Meme creation in 110+ languages

Without significant investment, they scaled a product empowering marketers/influencers worldwide. Supermeme.ai is proof a lean approach can drive rapid growth through instinctive decisions. As they democratize memes, this innovative startup's future shines bright.

Let's dive deeper:

🧐 Validated idea & secured customers in 2 weeks
👏 Launched MVP in 3 weeks with 2 developers
🤑 $0 spent on marketing, 100% organic growth
🤖 Remote operation, minimal communication
👀 Instinct-based choices over extensive research
🗨️ Focused on support, sales & key interactions

Key Highlights:

  • MVP in 3 weeks, just 2 devs

  • Profitable from month 2, steady growth

  • 1,500 daily signups leveraging AI/brands

  • Zero marketing dollars spent

  • Remote, lean communication

  • Instincts trumped excessive research

  • Prioritized support, sales, key touch points

  • Debunked lean team success myths

  • Aiming to be the internet's meme engine

Read Supermeme.ai's full founder journey 👉️ here 🔥🔥🔥

3 burning X's (Tweets)

Here are our latest finds, definitely worth a look:

To reach human intelligence, AI needs to learn from the real world, but today's models aren't there yet.

The reality check?

They might help in the future, but they won't do it alone.

The head of Meta GenAI is excited about the cool stuff happening with Llama-2.

Plus, Llama-3 is on the way!

There's no standard way to measure AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Claude, leaving us to rely on vague claims from AI companies about "improved capabilities."

This lack of clear benchmarks is a major issue for the industry.

Headline recap

  • Adobe introduces new AI capabilities for Premiere Pro and announces Firefly Video Model in development (A)

  • AI Startup Reka launches Reka Core, a multimodal LLM for text, image, audio, and video, surpassing leading models in benchmarks. (R)

  • OpenAI Opens first Tokyo office and introduces custom GPT-4 Model optimized for japanese market (OA)

  •  OpenAI also Introduces BatchAPI for Bulk requests with 24-Hour turnaround and 50% discount on standard prices. (X)

  • Instagram tests AI-powered chatbots. (TNYT)

  • Salesforce exec Paula Goldman predicts AI winter from trust Issues, urges 'Mindful Friction' at Brainstorm AI (F)

  • Limitless released Pendant: $99 AI wearable to supercharge meetings and prep. (X)

  • Cohere has launched Compass, a beta AI model designed for efficient indexing and searching of complex data across enterprise environments. (CB)

  • xAI previewed Grok-1.5V, a new image-processing model comparable to those from OpenAI, Claude, and Google, with potential user and open-source availability pending. (xAI)

1/ PhotoRoom +8800% growth

What is it? Comprehensive app for editing, designing, and optimizing visual content directly from a phone. It offers features like background removal, use of templates, and content creation, making it a useful tool for businesses.

5 Top AI Companies of the week

Level up your toolkit with top picks of the week:

Got you curious, huh? We've rounded up the main ideas to show you what they're about:

Deco CX 2.0: Web Development-Integration
Lancepilot: Freelancer-Finances
Komodo 2.0: API-Debugging
Musho: Culinary-Marketplace
Uninbox: Email-Automation

Highest-valued companies - with the lowest headcount

Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator, has long advocated the idea that small, AI-empowered teams can act as the new giants without the burden of large headcounts.

And this is exactly what we're seeing here.

Take a look here for yourself.

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